One Minute Tip: Get More Engagement on Your Facebook Page

My Facebook business page, In Touch Promotions, has been tagged in other Facebook biz pages’ posts before, but it wasn’t until the other day when I read WagnerWrites’ post that it dawned on me. You can get more engagement on your Facebook fan page by proactively asking other Facebook business pages to comment on your business page.

Tag FB biz pages in your post and get lots of comments
Claire Wagner of WagnerWrites invites us to respond to her post.

So if you want to increase engagement on your Facebook fan page, tag other pages in a post. To tag a page in your post, type the “@” symbol, then begin typing the name of the page you want to tag in the post. Facebook should autopopulate a list of suggestions.

When the page you want to tag is highlighted, hit “Enter” and the business page name should show up in your post in blue. (Note: sometimes it doesn’t work when Facebook’s being quirky.)

You can tag pages in your post to increase engagement on your Facebook fan page.

The other pages will be notified that you tagged them in your post. Naturally, they’ll click on the post to see what you said about them. Make sure your post is inviting enough for them to respond.

Think about the content and write a post that they will want to respond to. Ask their opinion on something; tag them as an expert on a subject; somehow invite them as a specialist in their field to comment on your post.

Increase engagement on your FB posts by tagging pages in the posts

Don’t forget to invite all your fans to respond too. And, don’t forget to comment on these pages’ posts on a regular basis. This should help you increase your Facebook page engagement and get more comments on your posts.

I’ll be testing this theory on my Facebook business page so come on over and visit and tell me what you think! Many thanks to Claire Wagner of WagnerWrites for this great idea.

Donna Saliter, In Touch Promotions, One Minute Tips

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