One Minute Tip: How to Delete Facebook Business Pages

Did you create your Facebook fan page and now you don’t want it anymore? Maybe you started over from scratch and your new page is so much better, so you don’t need the old one anymore. Here’s a simple one minute tip on how to delete Facebook business pages.

First, go to the business page you want to delete. To do that, go to your personal profile, click on the upper right-hand drop down arrow next to the “Home” link. Click on the page you would like to delete.

To delete Facebook business pages first click on the drop down arrow next to the Home link

Once in that page, click on “Edit Page” in the upper right-hand of the page.

 To delete Facebook business pages next click on Edit Page


Then hit “Manage Permissions,” the second link on the left side of the Edit Page page. Right above the bottom “Save Changes” button, you will see a “Delete Page” link. Click on it.

To delete Facebook business pages you next hit Manage Permission - Delete Page

A box will pop up that asks: “Delete page permanently?” Click “Delete.”

Click Delete on the Delete Page Permanently Button and you will delete the Facebook busines page

Another pop up will say, “Page permanently deleted” and you will have successfully deleted a Facebook business page.

What other Facebook questions do you have? Let us know in the comments below and we’ll be sure to find the answers for you!


Donna Saliter

In Touch Promotions, One Minute Tips


16 thoughts on “One Minute Tip: How to Delete Facebook Business Pages”

    1. Lynn, Thanks for the tip about how to delete the current page. It’s a new one and I’m having difficulty linking it to my blog, etc. There’s a glitch somewhere and since I don’t have fans or content yet, I thought it would be better to start over (someone else created the first one and it wants to link to her site rather than allowing me to link to mine). My concern is that after deleting the one I have now, Facebook won’t allow me to create a new one with the same name….

  1. Hi Donna, You’re suggestions are very helpful. Have you had any experience/problems in creating a new Facebook Business page after deleting the old one?
    Thank you!
    Nobel Davis

      1. Donna, I don’t know if I’ll have problems with creating a new page with the same name after deleting the old one (it’s new and doesn’t have any fans or content), so before deleting the old one I’m wondering if Facebook will allow me to create a new one without too much difficulty.

  2. Hi Donna,

    You mentioned that if we delete a FB page we cannot use the same URL when starting a new FB page. What exactly is the URL? Is it the website address? I need to be able to use Origami Owl no matter what. Can you help me?

  3. I have set up a new business page on fb and someone set one up for the business a couple years ago but no one knows the log on details or who set it up. What can we do to get rid of it??????????

    1. Hi,
      To delete your personal Facebook account, go to your account. In the upper right-hand corner you see a bunch of little pictures? These are icons. Hit the icon farthest on the right. It looks like a wheel or a cog. A list will show up. Go down and “Account Settings.” Once in Account Settings, look on the left side. Hit “Security Settings.” Now once in Security Settings, look at the bottom of the list. In blue, you should see the words “Deactivate your account.” Click on that and you will be able to deactivate your account. Hope this helps!

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